October 2012 - Artist/Designer Allen Wen | AW177
AW177 New York Comic Con 2012 Day 3!
On 16, Oct 2012 | No Comments | In Artwork, NYCC, Shows, Thoughts | By aw177
Day 3 (Saturday, October 13) was going to be my last day at the con. I had to get up early that day and get my car fixed, which left me severely tired, but decided to head down once again to see what was going on…
AW177 New York Comic Con 2012 Day 2!
On 16, Oct 2012 | No Comments | In Artwork, NYCC, Shows, Thoughts | By aw177
Day 2 (Friday, October 12) was actually my birthday (damn I’m old) and I originally was not going to go to the con, but due to some change of plans and what not, decided to head back down…
AW177 New York Comic Con 2012 Day 1!
On 15, Oct 2012 | No Comments | In Artwork, NYCC, Shows, Thoughts | By aw177
New York Comic Con 2012 happened between October 11-14, of which I attend 3 days. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to attend NYCC this year, but after some thought, decided to get my professional pass and head down to the con. On day 1 (Thursday Oct 11)…
Matt Anderson Artist Series Custom “Night Terror” NYCC Owl Dunny
Artist Matt Anderson’s custom sculpted and cast artist series Night Terror Owl Dunnys – I thought the figure and design was unique and real cool, so volunteered to custom one along with a 3″x3″ artist card.
Outsmart Originals x AW177
On 03, Oct 2012 | No Comments | In Artwork, Client, Other, Products | By aw177
Outsmart Originals x AW177 (Allen Wen)
Painting is by nature a luminous language.
– Robert Delaunay
Bringing true cultural art and design to Outsmart, we welcome Allen Wen (AW177) to the collective.