July 2010 - Artist/Designer Allen Wen | AW177
Time for a Break…!
On 31, Jul 2010 | No Comments | In Updates | By aw177
Hey all,
I noticed lately that I’ve been moody and been rushing my custom making process and end up making a ton of mistakes. It left me exhausted and frustrated, and really made me want to stop. I know I need to concentrate more on graphical/digital design and art, but since NYCC is coming up, I know I need to push out some customs (more details on that later). But rushing it is not really helping and just making it more difficult. Plus w/ a pregnant wife and baby coming, it is really getting more tough on me.
Hence why I took a break away from my customs for a week already, and going to do it again for another week. I will start fresh again by the second week of August – need to take a mini-vacation. Once it’s over, I’ll be in full swing again and hopefully do things right and do them well!
So peace out for now, will be back soon!
Long Time No Updates!
On 12, Jul 2010 | No Comments | In Updates | By aw177
Hey all,
Long time no updates – been busy after my last few posts and been working on computer art more than custom/toy art! I am working on a few new customs now in time for New York Comic Con – have some news about that! So stay tuned!