Work in Progress (WIP) Pics – Artoyz Elements Earth!
On 01, Jun 2010 | No Comments | In Artwork, Other, Tutorials | By aw177
Been working on this complex design custom for a little bit now, and w/ the consent of the owner, allowed me to post some work in progress (WIP) pics of it. Decided to do this so show how I work, how meticulous I am, and what goes into each AW177 art toy. Hope you like it and enjoy!
Artoyz Elements Earth – Dragon vs. Phoenix
After some time to come up w/ a nice design on computer, I translate that design onto the toy w/ pencil. The Dragon side has already been added and covered w/ paper, and this is the in-progress Phoenix side:
You can see the Dragon side visible through the paper:
This is the completed pencil side of the Phoenix:
After penciling the design in, I go over it again w/ a black Sharpie:
This is the completed black Sharpie side of the Dragon:
Will work on the Phoenix side today; big props to the patient owner of this piece and more WIP pics to come! Stay tuned!
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