Work in Progress (WIP) Pics – Artoyz Elements Earth Part 6!
On 15, Jun 2010 | No Comments | In Artwork, Other, Tutorials | By aw177
Part 6 already? Lol, sorry for the late (again) post, but finally have a chance to post up part 6 of my WIP pics of Dragon vs. Phoenix. I hope you enjoyed this so far, and this custom is pretty much almost done!
Last time I left off w/ dragon side being somewhat done. There are a few more steps from this point, as I want the entire figure to be yellow colored. To do that, I have to color in parts that are white to yellow. Sounds simple, but tough since you have to be careful not to overlap the lines and if you do, go back over them w/ color again.
Here is the dragon side ready for yellow:
Here is the phoenix side w/ yellow already painted in:
The completed dragon side w/ yellow painted in:
Now at this point, for some reason, I just kept going and going and kinda forgot to take pics of my WIP! But the only thing left to do was figure out what color to make the hands and feet. I didn’t really want to paint them a different color, as I think it may take away from the colors of the dragon and phoenix. So I thought about painting them yellow to match the rest. Pics of the final will be shown later on.
Also, I forgot that the blossoms are missing some inner details; the lotus blossoms as well. I hand painted the details of the lotus blossoms, but the details of the cherry blossoms were harder, so I had to use a certain technique to get details in places I can’t do by hand (can you figure out what that is by looking at the cherry blossom?):
To teach how I do that would be another thread on its own! So will skip that for now, unless I get asked to do so later on!
Anyway, that’s mostly it for this time. The custom is FINISHED and all I need to do is varnish and post the final pics, which will come later this week.
I hope you enjoyed this and almost done!!! Thanks and would love to hear any comments and/or suggestions!
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