Work in Progress (WIP) Pics – Artoyz Elements Earth Part 3!
On 04, Jun 2010 | No Comments | In Artwork, Other, Tutorials | By aw177
Ok part 3 of of my WIP Artoyz Elements Earth, Dragon vs. Phoenix. I left off w/ a few colors on the custom toy, time to keep adding colors.
I started by adding the black colors to see how the other colors ‘pop’ out:
I used some small masking tape I got to mask off the lines of the black parts to make them straighter, but the masking tape I got does not do corners so well. That’s what I get for buying cheap tape! I had to order some better masking tape, which should get here by next week, so for now, I’m going to skip the black background parts and concentrate on the black outlines. I usually save the black outlines for last, but instead of waiting around, I’ll jump to this step.
I outline the phoenix head in first as practice:
I continue w/ the rest of the body:
Now, I had to go over some of the areas w/ more color, to make the colors more filled in and to pop more. Be careful since working w/ paint markers, too much color can cause them to clump up. Make sure your markers have a good flow before going over them again.
That’s all the updates for now, will post more when I get a chance!
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