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By aw177
On 13, Sep 2012 | No Comments | In Artwork Client Customs | By aw177
“Dragon vs Tiger” Custom 16″ Toy2R Qee for NYCC 2011
Benny of Tenacious Toys was kind enough to give me a 16″ Toy2R Bear Qee to customize. This is my first time working on any platform larger than 8″, so this took a very long time and many many hours were put into it.
I wanted to combine into one toy the dragon vs. tiger theme, so I created the elements in radiant gold outlines and tried to keep it very simple. The Chinese characters say dragon vs. tiger and the ones by the leg says good luck. Also dragon vs. tiger can be represented by the yin and yang.
This was on display/sale at New York Comic Con at the Toy2R/Tenacious Toys booth #876 – but only for a short period. A fine French gentleman who graciously purchased my custom 16″ Qee on the first preview day of NYCC 2011! I am truly humbled that he liked my work that much to buy it right away! Thank you so much!
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