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By aw177
On 03, Jul 2013 | No Comments | In Artwork Design | By aw177
“Dragon Vector Force” Gundam Artwork
“Dragon Vector Force” Gundam personal artwork done in Illustrator/Photoshop.
Some personal experimental artwork done using various techniques and effects, from vector 3D, shines and shadows. I’ve always been a big fan of Gundams and if those model kits didn’t take me so long to build, I would build a ton of them! So the next best thing would be to create my own “Dragon Vector Force” Gundam creation! If I had some more time, I would create a body for this head, but for now, I really like how this came out (click to enlarge):
I’m not sure what to do with this design – would it look cool on a t-shirt? Limited edition prints? Maybe mod it some more and make stickers out of them? I have no idea, but if anyone out there likes it and can think of something cool to do with this, leave a comment and let me know!
I also created a design with the outlines in it – which one looks better?
For now, I think it’s a really awesome, simplistic yet complex (does that make sense?) design that I’m just happy with. Sorry about the watermarks all over, just a way to protect my work!
Hope you like it and thanks for viewing!
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