AW177 x New Era Introducing: Phase 2 Finalist
On 25, Sep 2012 | No Comments | In Artwork, Client, Other, Shows | By aw177
From what I can gather from looking at the Phase 2 Finalist gallery at the New Era Introducing website, I believe I have made it as a Phase 2 Finalist! That means my custom New Era cap will be included in a traveling gallery exhibition and published in a limited edition New Era Introducing book.
Although I didn’t win the grand prize, I am just happy to have made it to the finals!
The first stop of the traveling gallery exhibition is in New York City, these weekend long gallery tours give the creative minds a chance to show off their artwork. This is happening on Sept. 29-30, from 12-7pm at 82 Mercer Street. You can view the dates, times and locations of the other exhibitions here: New Era Introducing North America Traveling Schedule
My entry and video are not yet posted to the New Era gallery website, which you can view here: New Era North America 2012 – Phase Two Gallery
You can view pics of my custom New Era cap from my Portfolio section or from my previous blog post: AW177 x New Era Introducing – Completed!
I will be heading to the show this Saturday, I hope you would go too to check out all these awesome caps!
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