AW177 on NYCC Video + Birthday + Custom Sale!
On 12, Oct 2010 | No Comments | In NYCC, Shows, Updates | By aw177
More news today – yesterday at the last day of NYCC, I was interviewed by a blogger named Lynette Chiang from Fast regarding executive toys and NYCC at the Tenacious Toys booth. She is a friend of Benny’s, and we spoke and she filmed a small clip of me talking (and way too close to my face!). Nemo is in it w/ me as well, so it was fun and you can view the clip here:
NYCC: A Glimpse at the Industry of Delight – Full Story
I’m featured somewhere around the 4:30 to 4:31 mark!
Also, today October 12 is my birthday! Yes I am old and yes I won’t tell you how old! And to coincide w/ that, I will be releasing my NYCC “Lucky” Miao & Mousubi custom on my store; it was made w/ spray paint, paint markers and blood, sweat and tears! I’m really happy w/ how this one came out, and w/ the size and effort placed on it, I don’t think the price is too high! So if you like it, please support me and bring it home to cherish and enjoy! Thanks!
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