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By aw177

AW177 New York Comic Con 2011 Day 2!

On 15, Oct 2011 | No Comments | In NYCC, Shows, Thoughts, Updates | By aw177

Day 2 of NYCC for me was much more tiring than day 1. I pretty much walked most of the floor and took a few snaps of things I thought were interesting. For some reason, I can never seem to get too much into the video games and comic booths of that nature; also from some of the newer booths to appear this year, I was a bit disappointed in what I saw. Anyway let me explain more and in no particular order, here are some pics and random thought tibits of my day (click on the pics to enlarge)!

These were some of the things I thought were cool; this Grimlock poster from Transformers: Fall of Cybertron was pretty awesome. I love Grimlock and needed a pic of this!

From there, I arrived at the Cultyard and caught up to the Tenacious Toys/Toy2R booth where Matt Anderson and Rsin Art was doing their signing. Both guys are pretty awesome in person and it was really good to meet them face to face. Rsin is a monster of a fellow and from what he told me, he lacked sleep all day yet was ready to sign and sketch for the fans! Their 16″ Qees are very impressive in person, from what you see in pics online is one thing, but to get up close and see the details in person is another. Matt’s resin skull Qee that lights up was really detailed and their combo resin mini Qees were beautifully done (should have took a pic of it). They sold 3 of the 4 when I got there so congrats to those that bought one!

Matt Anderson Qee

Rsin Qee

Of course I needed a shot of my little guys as well!

Also at the booth I met and chatted with JC Rivera, Mr Munk, Zam Art, Robert Ingellis (OsirisOrion), John “Spanky” Stokes, Keithing (ToyQube), Benny & Steph of Tenacious Toys and Kevin Winnik of Toy2R. I met and spoke with Dai Tran of Rawrs and saw his Bitsumo resin figure – really clean and really cool, I wanted one pretty badly but just didn’t have the money to drop on one! However, we worked out a t-shirt trade where he got one of my “Circuit Death” tees and I got one of his. We may do a collabo custom on a Bitsumo too soon, which I’m pretty stoked about!

Other things I saw:

Matty Collector 12″ Ghostbusters set (I already have these)

Matty Collector 12″ Ghostbusters 2 set (coming December 2011)

Details on these figures are pretty lifelike and includes the slime spray cans used in the movie!

Ghostbusters Trap

Voltron set with figures: now this is awesome! You can get the lions and their pilots and the lions are large! Combined together, this Voltron is about 2-3 feet tall! I think the black lion w/ Keith cost about $60 and the rest were $50 or $55; you can get Sven if you got all of them or something. If I had the space and money, this would be mine!

Passing by the Bandai booth, I love Gundams but just haven’t had time to build any, so wanted to pass but this caught my eye…

All the perfect grade Gundam Astrays, gold, red, blue and green! What an awesome display! I am always tempted to get the PG red astray, but hate having to spend so much time to build it. I still have the MG one and never can devote the time to build it!

Red Astray

Gold Astray

Another booth had on display props used in the movies, forgot the name of the booth, but saw the Batman suit:

And Tumbler:

Some Lego or other building block Optimus Prime:

The Marvel booth where they have it set up for the Avengers:

And Captain America’s suit:

Tons and tons of cosplayers, saw this one that I really liked:


I really wanted to see either Yaya Han or Linda Le, aka Vampybitme, but it was so large and tons of people, either I walked right by them or totally missed seeing them! You know how you see their online pics, you want to see how they are in person. Plus Linda was in her Black Widow gear today so it was disappointing not to see her. Plus tomorrow she’s going as Psylocke and I’m totally going to miss that since I can’t make it to the con! Ah well.

Now some more disappointments:

Johnny Cupcakes makes their 1st appearance at NYCC and they only had a tiny booth w/ about 3 t-shirts, some of their new Big Guy figures, pins and other small assortments. I was hoping they would have a larger selection of t-shirts to choose from and their vinyl figure was not very appealing to me. I wanted to get a tee from them since I never had one and now I guess I never will.

My wife loves some Threadless Tees ( so I heard they had a booth and went to check them out. When I got there, I saw this:

They were not selling tees but you can sketch on some paper ideas and if they choose yours, it can become a tee. WTF? No tees to buy? Lame! Totally disappointed!

As for my thoughts on the Cultyard, I thought there were many booths that were just awesome this year. Art Whino had many live paintings and it was fun to see how they did their thing up close. Gotta give props to Tenacious Toys/Toy2R – now I know how I’m constantly blowing them up, but you have to see how they promoted the hell out of some of us ‘unknown’ artists; Benny and Kevin gave opportunities to those that are not as popular as others and gave them a spotlight for signings, sketches, custom toy displaying, etc. They also pushed out other items from the artists involved, for example, let me sell my “Circuit Death” tees at their booth. Sure they were working w/ Toy2R and pushing their products, but it’s a great toy platform to work on and Toy2R have been getting new artists out on their products for quite some time now. I hope to continue to work with them in the future.

Let me ask you – would you take a chance at an unknown artist, buy a 16″ Qee and give it to them w/ the hope it may sell to get your money back? It’s a big chance and one that Benny & Steph was willing to take and I will be forever grateful to them.

There were some of the usual booths at comic con that gave signings to the usual big names, which is great but I am glad to know that one booth looked out for the little guy.

Oh and I saw Andrew Bell from a friend and told me that he can create a picture out of a few scribblings you do on paper. So I challenged him by making a wu-tang logo and see what he can do to complete the picture. This is what he did:

Great huh?

So again, props to the artists I met and re-met today, also met some people who supported artists in any way they can and it was just a great experience. Tired and hungry, I left a bit before closing.

I hope to have another NYCC update on Sunday! Thanks for reading this! Oh and remember, save $5 off “Circuit Death” t-shirts w/ discount code ALLENBDAY! AW177 Store


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