A Gift from Tristan Eaton!
On 15, Dec 2012 | No Comments | In Products, Thoughts | By aw177
Not sure if many people know this but I used to intern w/ Tristan for only a few months a few years ago at Thunderdog Studios when they were based in LIC, NY.
I always admired Tris and his work, and how he’s always been so cool and down to earth even with the success he’s had. When Kidrobot celebrated their 10 year anniversary by releasing the Gold King 8″ dunny, I knew I wanted one to inspire me to work hard and be as successful as Tris one day. However, I only would want a Gold King dunny if he was to sign it for me and unfortunately there was no signing event in NYC.
So I contacted him and Rob Z. at Thunderdog (now in LA), and asked Tris if I sent him a dunny, would he sign it for me. Tris wrote back saying don’t bother sending one to him, he’ll give me one and sign it for me! Wow!
I got it a few days ago and here are some pics:
I am mad happy he personalized it for me and will remain on my inspiration shelf. Tris is not only an awesome artist but a really great guy; I really appreciate Tris doing this for me and for Rob Z. to ship it out, since I know how busy they are.
Props to Tris and Rob! Thanks guys and if you’re looking to hire or need help, you got my contact info!
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